The Greenland Ice Sheet!

On my way from Nuuk to Reykjavik, I flew over miles deep ice sheet of Greenland, one of the greatest natural wonders on Earth. Seeing it melting in places, I could not help but think, that Mr. Trump, our president better start listening to the scientists and help them keep it frozen as it is meant to be, or he soon will be watching his beloved Mar-a-Lago float away into the sea!!!!

I hope POTUS reads my blog!

9 thoughts on “The Greenland Ice Sheet!”

  1. Wow. What a gorgeous day to fly. Glad you waited. As an outdoorsy person, I ‘tread lightly’ and try to enjoy our planet the way it is. Great insight and inspiration from following your journey.

    Enjoy iceland and the remnants of The Lights.

    Slideshow of all the fantastic pics at Diwali this year!


  2. Ravi, this is so much fun to watch and read! Be safe. I am holding the fort down!

    I will look forward to your talk at Larry’s club!


  3. Very rightly put. If we do not take care of our environment, nature would certainly hit us back.

    Excellent photographs.


  4. The comment made by me perhaps got lost in the beauty of Iceland. We had been tracking your fligt yesterday. The photos of raw and pure nature sent by you are breath- holding. Your spirit of adventure is being appreciated by one and all. Subhash Bansal


  5. Beautiful pictures. Simply breathtaking !! If POTUS read anything, we won’t be where we are today. Maybe if you tweeted these pictures it would be a different story or use ‘Bigly’ words.


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